Monday, October 8, 2007

PERSONAL: Last Weekend on Earth

So this weekend will be marked by debauchery of a new level that I haven't seen or been a part of for many many years... ok, you're right, months.

Ok, maybe weeks.

I'm lying, I do it regularly.

Anyways, so it's my 25th birthday.

Then my 3rd shift job begins. And then it all ends. Hopefully.

This is my opportunity to get shit back together.

Pray for me, pray for the Earth.

And pray for the last weekend on Earth... that I make it out alive.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

POP CULTURE: VH1's New Worst/Best Show

I hate VH1... they are destroying American television, but boy am I enjoying the ride. Keep watching for I love NY2... but for now, why I love "America's Most Smartest Model:"

Andre Birleneau
VJ Logan

Slavco Tuskaloski

Does it matter if American culture is being destroyed when it looks like that