Sunday, November 16, 2008

Media Round-up from the protest

This is going to be my half assed attempt at posting the press coverage we got for yesterday's protest. I'm not going to make commentary, because I think the news speaks for itself:

From a new blog buddy -- Corey @ I'll Keep You Posted -- who did not come but I think has a great commentary on it:
A few days before the rally, I asked a frustrated activist friend of mine about black participation, and he replied "Well Corey, there will be black LBGT attendance if you and I are there.......nothing changes until we change or nothingness".  Here in the 'Natti, I knew what to expect going in.  When the news cameras spanned the local crowd, I saw nobody that looked like me.  In all of the subsequent photos I've seen of the event, I only saw that one black face.  I spoke with a brotha who attended the New York rally, and while wonderfully attended, he lamented the fact that there was only a relative few other men of color in attendance - this in New York.  Go figure!  I'm not trying to be judgemental here, because this was to be the first time I went out to protest anything.  But I was excited about going.  I know it won't be my last opportunity, but I thought it was important because I have a most vested interest in this situation.
So, I decided to dash over to City Hall on my lunch break and join the national day of queer rights protests. I couldn’t stay long enough to hear Margaret Cho (that’s right, bitches, we got the patron saint of queer radicals at our protest in Cinci-fucking-nnati) speak, but I did see several friends and I was amazed at the crowd. We had people filling the sidewalks on both sides of the street despite the very cold rain. I imagine if we’d had warmer weather, they would have been forced to close the street.
From Jason at Let's Say You're Right (complete with pictures! -- and a video of Margaret Cho's song!!!... I'll repost it .. well, I guess now)
All across America this afternoon, there were protests to California’s passing of Proposition 8. Here in Cincinnati, OH it was rainy, windy, and cold but we braved the elements to show our support for equal marriage rights. Comedian Margaret Cho was in town for a show tonight, and happened to stop by the rally and offered her take on the cause. I recorded some video below.
Elliet and I got bundled up and braved the freezing rain to stand around downtown. We did it because "It's not fair that boys can only marry girls." That's Elliet's thought on the subject.
And the national round up over at BoxTurtle Bulletin that includes Cincinnati.

Now for the press....

Since most of these are source material from the AP, I'll just list most of them since they are essentially the same thing. However I'd like to point out that Cameron made the national AP release. Did you catch that? Anyways, there's, The Review,  Fox19,, and MSNBC

Individual coverage that was actually written local includ WCPO (including video!), The Cincinnati Beacon, and, of course, (which quotes me!)

Local 12's video:
(here's the link if that doesn't work)

Channel 9's video:
(here's the link if that doesn't work)
Both the previous were repeatedly messing up and freezing my computer. I just sliced them off.

And thanks to Rainbow Cincinnati, we have a lot of pictures from Renecito and Ray Owens.


Jere Keys said...

Congratulations on your part in this event. You looked very sexy up there chanting "Fired up and ready to go!"

Sabin said... has pictures from all over, including two of mine!