This is the first of many upcoming endorsements...
In OH-1 -- true, my voting district, I am endorsing Steve Driehaus over Rep. Chabot. We need more compassionate leadership in Cincinnati, and we need someone who has represented us so well in the statehouse to take that same leadership to DC.
And it's nice that he's ahead in the polls.
Granted, he's not made a lot of statements about gay issues; there aren't many in our area. However, I have been in contact with them, and Steve (via Joe Wessels) was "excited" to not just answer questions from ... but actually stated they'd rather me sit down with them. IE: he is willing to talk about it, and he's not afraid of what I'm going to ask. The interview is on hold as it was scheduled around the same time as the wind storm and then Steve's father dying. So... yea, more important things came up, but I'm not the only local blogger who was slated to chat that was not able to around the same time.
Besides, Driehaus' camp contacted me; has anyone heard from Chabot???
Kids, October is big month. Aside from the LGBT History, you will be seeing more and more election updates. After all, it is less than a month away. For a look at all the issues that are going on the ballot next month for all of Hamilton County, check this PDF from the BoE.
Treasure Of Aztec Pg Slot
7 months ago
Doesn't seem like anyone has heard from Chabot. I know some people who have been trying to contact him from CET and he doesn't seem to get back to us. I can't imagine he's too busy to return a phone call, but perhaps!
I know, I've barely heard or seen from him. Driehaus is doing a damn good job out there.
In the last Northside 4/7 parade I counted 2 Driehauses an 0 Chabots.
Chabot really impressed me with his first run for city council when he did his walk down every street of Cincinnati. Probably the only elected representative in the region to set foot on Halstead St in 50 years.....
He needs to get a new gig.
The really cool thing, or maybe not, with unseating Chabot will be to see what Rep challenges Driehaus next time around.
I will say that Steve is a bettr choice the Chabot, but I will not say that is supports us in the Gay Community. He has walked the walk for many years, asking for our money and our votes, but while in Columbus has never stood up for our rights. He voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, and would not sign onas a co-sponser form th current EEHA becasue he was uncomfortable with the word "behavior" when used to descripe a transgendered person.
Again Chabot has got to go, but Steve needs to prove he will fight for us before he asks for our money and support. And shame on HRC for endorsing him based on his record of support.
Good point. Now, when you call people out, please leave a name :-).
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