- Kate's Random Musings -- my new fav blogger gal-pal... she gave me a great idea which I'm tempted to do: living blogging while testing lubes. Anyone up to help me out with this one?
- ENCORE Cincinnati (Environmentally Conscious Real Estate of Cincinnati) -- Green design and green building in the city.
- Keepin' It REAL (Estate) -- Housing information and blogging about the housing market. (written by the same ladies as ENCORE)
- Gonz O'Lager -- "Updates from my Seat in the Urban Dugout." He drinks, he writes, he sounds like me. (by Brian)
- Not Really a Book Blog Book Blog -- "Bibliophile, writer, moderately eccentric ne'er-do-well and a complete bastard!" (by Brian)
- CET Connect -- Cincinnati Educational Television Blog. (by Brian -- notice a pattern?)
- Girlfriendology -- All about women and their relationships. Debba, the author, is such an earth mom type. I adored her. Podcasting, vlogging, writing, she is all over it.
- Urbanophile -- Actually based out of Indy, but Albert (from STACKED) pointed it out to us, and it was very excellent!
(PS, to those watching the site meter and interested, I did just get about 375 hits to my page in 24 hours... WOW!)
Hello hello, B! It was so so fabulous to meet you last night! I am so impressed by the number of top-notch bloggers around the Queen City. So many people whom I want to be friends with! When are we getting a cocktail?...
Howdy! It certainly was a pleasure meeting you last night. Fun to put faces with words! I look forward to the next gathering.
It was great meeting you last night! Thanks for introducing yourself - I get a little shy about going up and talking to people. As a result, I don't think I met nearly enough new people last night - so there had better be another one again soon!
Yeah, I'm like Kelly too. I guess I tended to keep to myself. Next time!
Thanks for letting me know about this! I learned a lot from everyone and look forward to all the blog reading I'll be doing now!
Enjoyed putting a face to the funny comments. Will def. be back and reading more!
Yea! People! :-)
Kate -- oh, we're going out. We're going to go out SO HARD. :-)
I am REALLY good at causing a cocktail-fueled ruckus. And my newest favorite HETEROsexual establishment in which to cause rucki (is "ruckus" declinable in Latin?) is -- wait for it -- Cadillac Ranch.
A few drinks and a bull ride and I'm good for the night!
Hey Barr, nice meeting you last night. I think I'm like Dan and Kelly... somehow kept to people I already knew - I'd meet up again.
Hey, howdy and those other salutations.
I met a lot of new people and it proves that I'm too much of a shut-in to blog appropriately.
Thanks for the adds x3.
(the blogwhore)
Liveblogging lubes-- I KNEW I liked that girl!
Nice meeting you, B!
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