Thursday, July 24, 2008

HIV/AIDS: Walk to STOP AIDS Page Up and Running

For the past few years, I have been involved in Cincinnati's Walk to STOP AIDS, hosted by and benefitting STOP AIDS (formerly AIDS Volunteers of Cincinnati).

For fundraising, the organization actually does one really amazing thing: use an online program called Kintera to have friends email friends to ask for donations. I have, in the past, raised over $2000 this way for the Walk. Last year, I raised a paltry $700 or so, mainly because I wasn't working there and wasn't able to spend every day on it.

This year, I plan to volunteer (probably), so my goal is not to raise money this time to sponsor me as a walker. Rather, I'm throwing all of my support behind one person: Kate Harrow, Operations Manager for STOP AIDS.

If you are reading this and are a former donator to me, I encourage you to click the link above and make a donation to her. She's fantastic and has been one of the leads in organizing this event for the past 2-3 years. Besides, Todd Rademaker, who has worked for the organization for over 10 years, has, for years, been the biggest single fundraiser and always has the bragging rights.

Since I'm not a challenge to him (I was a challenge one year), I want to help someone else be competitive.

And for those that would criticize me for making a challenge out of this, please remember that we are raising money for a good cause. The challenge has a positive effect. It's not like we're fighting over who cares the most about the issue. Rather, it's a good natured battle to increase the funds raised for invaluable HIV/AIDS services in the city. It's all friendly fire, baby.

That said, this is a cause I believe in dearly, and I really hope that every single one of you take the time and donate.

Kate, I pledge $25 now. I'll probably donate more as we go, but that's my initial promise to you.
PS If you do donate off this page, just give me the heads up ... or just make a note on her page that you heard about it through this site. Kthxbye. Much love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...