Gender.Here is my whole column set over there
My mother still has no idea what I mean when I reference gender in discussion. I don't think 3/4 of the people I talk to know what I mean by it. When I talk about "gender deviation" or "trans-identity," the impression I get from the pallid stares is that most people are picturing a drag show in their head. And, while that immediate gut reaction is valid and important - as drag is probably the most regular example of gender performance that people can relate to - it is not everything. However, the rhetoric of the gay rights movement probably rests on a better understanding of the spectrum that gender implies.
(Click here for the rest)
Darren, also, has updated. Here is a preview of his fabulous new posting:
It's been a busy summer. Starved for new things to do in the Queen City, I've ventured into some unfamiliar territory...and I have some tales to tell.
Last month a friend of mine (a not-so-single white female) took part in a lingerie show at the Lil' Bit bar down on Vine Street. I'd never been there before, so I showed up...just in time to see Allyson dancing around the bar, clad in black lacy lingerie, pimping herself out for tips. Allyson's straight, but let's face it...lesbians love cute girls in their underwear, no matter what their sexual orientation is. Some of the other girls who performed (mostly lesbians) were knockouts. Watching them bump and grind on top of the bar, I suddenly felt like I'd wandered into the movie 'Coyote Ugly', where the gals talk tough and pour some mean drinks. One particularly striking young woman caught my eye. Yes, you read that correctly. Every once in a while I find myself "intrigued by" ("attracted to" is an expression I'm not ready to commit to yet) certain women. Don't worry, guys, this boy's as gay as a Barry Manilow Christmas special; but it's nice to know that I can find other women both attractive and intriguing. Or perhaps I simply like a nice set of breasts, like everybody else. It's like looking at the Himalayas; I have no desire to climb them, but they sure do look nice.
(click here for the rest)
Juliet has gone quiet over there, but she's in the middle of being in love and we all know how that is for lesbians. :-) Them and their u-haulistic tendencies.
Click the image below for the rest of the excellent content over at!

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