Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Push for Trans Rights Moves Forward in Three States

Have you been following trans-rights in this country? I know I haven't been keeping as close of an eye as I usually do, so let me do a quick round up for everyone that's interested on three different states:
  • Massachusetts and New Hampshire: Both are trying to move gender identity and expression protections through their statehouses.
  • New Hampshire: Originally, the bill died in the House in a 181-149 vote, but the body reconsidered it and voted 188-187 to pass it on to the Senate.
  • Connecticut: The protections bill died recently in the House judicial committee, but activists are organizing to take it to the floor.
Hrm. Is this weird to anyone else -- Mass and Conn both have equal marriage, and New Hampshire seems like the next one to go (with Maine)... but they don't have protections for gender? Weird.

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