Monday, June 30, 2008

CINCY GAY SCENE: The HRC and other craziness

I got an email today via Facebook from a friend.

In two weeks, the HRC is hosting Camp Equality here in Cincinnati, an organizing institute designed to train the LGBT community on how to do outreach (or something like that... you know my feelings on the HRC... assimilationists... I think that diversity is only really fun when people are diverse).

My friend currently works for the HRC.

Like when the Human Rights Ordinance was gearing up for a public vote, the organization sent us staffers to help organize and put together an effective campaign ahead of time. Apparently, they're doing the same here.

And I've offered to host him for a couple of days.

Put a call into JB and DM (whose response was "the HRC can bite my ass") this evening and, since we were such fabulous hostesses last time around with the three kids from the NGLTF, we decided we're going to do it again with this one. :-)

Poor bastard.

No worries, we will do everything we can to help. But, mostly, we're fierce and fabulous and going to have a good time.

CINCY GAY SCENE: Follow up to previous blog

Regarding this little unexplained bit; I guess I can really only say this much that I texted LM today:
Storming out only works when someone hears the door slam.
Other than that, I (apparently) have nothing more to say on the issue except CHICKENSHIT.

BLOGGING: New Rainbow Cincinnati Column!

Your Monday morning is complete! My column over at Rainbow Cincinnati is up and running! And here's your preview:
When you have barely known a guy for a week and a conversation turns, already, to "I'm going out with another guy tonight," you start to believe that your dating life is perpetually cursed.
Check it out fully here, and don't forget to check out the most excellent full site by clicking the image below.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

GENERAL STUFF: Crazy Indians!!

Shockingly, from Andrew Sullivan.

I really really wish these were the real words. Oh, you Indians.

CINCY GAY SCENE: Miss Porkopolis, 6-27-08

Miss Porkopolis at Old Street was SO MUCH FUN. I came in third... of third. LOL! But it was great and Petty Cash, the newest Miss Porkopolis was AMAZING! Congrat's, girl!!!! Here are pictures from the event.

LOL -- you shouldn't win if you forget your hair and EVERY dress you own. I brought a lot of pieces of outfits, but not a single one. It was kinda funny.

Friday, June 27, 2008


...was NEGATIVE. :-)

Blogged over at Rainbow Cincinnati. I'll give you a little preview. I've done my good gay duty for the day so I don't feel like blogging anymore.
The last year has been rough, and I would be lying if I said I hadn't fucked up a time or two.

But, for the most part (I continue to tell myself), I did ok. However, when someone is naked behind and in front of you, the lines begin to blur on exactly how safe you are being.

I have been truly concerned about the results of an HIV test exactly twice in my life.

The first time was my first test. Fresh into the world of, this chubby 19 year old found a boy that liked him. He was 38 (ish), I was 19. It made perfect sense when I wanted him to fuck me that we should do so without a condom. HIV happens to other people (A) and (B) he likes me and would look after my interests. All I remember is desperately trying to clean myself out and seeing blood.
Check out the rest here and don't forget to click on the image below to check on the rest of the excellent site.

CINCY GAY SCENE: Local colleges going crazy...?

Interesting bit.

Two colleges have LGBT-specific positions within their administrations.

Both colleges, in the last month, have lost (one sort of fired, the other quit) the people in those positions in suspicious circumstances.

Story to come...

BLOGGING: Silly queer boy...

I've been basing my entire theory of how many people have looked at my blog on the Dashboard count on my profile.

Um... that's how many times people have just looked at my profile.

Whoa. How many people have actually looked at my blog is much higher than that, then, I'm guessing.

I need a good widget to gauge blog views. Any suggestions, folks?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

HIV/AIDS: National HIV Testing Day -- June 27th, 2008

It's funny that it took lesbians (over at Juliet and Juliette) to remind me that tomorrow... 40 minutes from now... is National HIV Testing Day!!!

That's right, folks, it is the annual event organized by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA -- main site, event site) where the CDC (information from the CDC -- there are a lot of really great videos on this site) and hundreds of local organizations are encouraging you to get tested for HIV, regardless of your risk. Hell, even if you are suburban housewife with only one sex partner in your life and no history of drug use, I'll bet you have one risk factor...

Unprotected sex.

It doesn't matter who it's with; if it's sex, it's still risky. A lot of people blow off risk as something other people have -- after all, I've been with my husband for years, and we only have sex with each other. Oh yea? When was your last HIV test? When was his last HIV test? Is this a monogamous relationship... are you sure? It's an awful truth of the world, but just because you are monogamous does not mean they are.

Even condoms are not 100%, as there is such a thing as "imperfect use" -- condoms breaking, not being put on properly, etc. etc. etc.

There is no such thing as safe sex, only safer sex. All sex has its risk, as even the best forms of protection cannot safeguard against everything. Herpes and warts, for example, only require skin-to-skin contact for transmission.

And, it's a sad truth, that those are the two most common STD's. It is estimated that upwards of 25-30% of people have genital herpes; most of them have just never shown a symptom.

But I digress.

The point of this blog is to let you know that tomorrow, June 27th, you should get tested. There are a host of options out there to get tested at (listed below), and some of them offer the 20-minute oral swab (there is a slight caveat on this, right now, though), some the 20-minute finger stick, and some of them the more traditional 5-7 day oral swab or venipuncture (blood draw). I have personal and professional relationships with people at each one of these agencies, and I would not be posting any of them unless I was 100% sure that you would be treated with the kind of dignity and respect that you should have when you decide to be tested.

1) STOP AIDS -- 513-421-AIDS (2437)
My former employer and one of the largest testing sites in the city, offering the free 20-minute oral swab OraSure. In the past, though I have not received confirmation on this for this year, they offered all day walk-in testing on National HIV Testing Day. On Fridays, too, they offered walk-in testing from 9a-1p. I'm guessing it will not be much different tomorrow. Regardless, show up at 9a, they are always, always busy, and I've been informed that the entire testing staff will be available to test that day.

2) Cincinnati Health Department
Ambrose Clement/Burnet Ave 513-357-7350
Northside Clinic 513-357-7600
Price Hill Clinic 513-357-2700
Offering the free 20-minute finger stick test. I don't have much information on their program, and I've not heard of anything specific they are doing. But, if you go to the Burnet Avenue location, see if you can get Johnnie or Chuck -- they are both fantastic people and just wonderful, compassionate testers.

3) Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department (NKIDHD)
Boone County -- 859-363-2060
Campbell County -- 859-431-1704
Grant County -- 859-824-5074
Kenton County/Covington -- 859-431-3345
Kenton County/Ft. Mitchell (main testing site) -- 859-578-7660

Testing process varies based on location, some do venipuncture and some do the 20-minute test. They put out a great press release and are on with their schedule. They are offering special times tomorrow, so check it out here.

4) Planned Parenthood
Sites include: Hamilton, Middletown, Auburn Ave, Western Hills, Springdale, and Clermont County -- 800-230-7526
Offers the 7 day venipuncture, but it does charge a nominal fee for an HIV test. Last I heard it was under $20, but I can't be sure. The great thing is that they are everywhere and there is likely one close to you.

5) University Hospital Emergency Department -- 513-584-0720
Though free, they offer the 20-minute venipuncture, but you have to call while their nurse is working and you have to be medically cleared and sign a waiver before you can do a walk-in test. It's a little bit more paperwork, as the program is more designed for patients of the ER.

Other programs I know little about:

  • 4CHARIS/SARA IRP -- 513-542-9730 -- Religious organization
  • Hamilton City Health Department -- 513-785-7080
  • Warren County Health Department -- 513-695-2428

Likely, there is a testing site near you that you should go to.

As for me, well.

I haven't been tested in two years. And tomorrow... I will be getting tested at STOP AIDS bright and early at 9am. Come out, check it out, I'll be there. Even for me, folks, this freaks me out. It's hard, I know, but it's worth your time.

ELECTION 2008: A new McCain video about homo's

Thanks to the Bilerico project on this one, via the Stonewall Democrats...

And people (you know who you are) say that he's neutral.

CINCY GAY SCENE: Kristy Kay Karolina Returns

That's right, folks, Kristy's coming out for a night to perform at Old Street in Monroe in the Miss Porkopolis pageant.... and she's bringing George Michael out!!! (well, sort of, but I think the idea of a drag queen doing male drag is fun)

Mama wants a crown!

But it should be fabulous. And, if you don't come, mama will beat you with her Scepter of Love.

This is an ISQCCBE event, so all moneys go to local charities. And that's a good thing.

WHO: Kristy Kay Karolina with the ISQCCBE
WHAT: Competing for the Miss Porkopolis 2008 pageant, to follow dear friend Dixie Crystals
WHERE: Old Street Saloon, 13 Old Street, Monroe, OH
WHEN: Friday night, 10-ish p.m.
WHY: Because you love me and I want a crown

Oh, and, as always, if you mention my blog when you see me, you can buy me a drink.

GENERAL STUFF: Text Messages (lost track of numbers)

We are poets and lovers. Let's set the world on fire.
I was, apparently, really full of myself yesterday.

GAY STUFF: 100 Reasons I don't have sex with women

This from TM&J...

Oh my goodness. From the Teeth Movie. A movie about a woman with teeth in her vagina. Um. No thanks.

GAY STUFF: Mamma Mia, the Movie!

Do you know how excited about this movie coming out!!!! WHOOHOO!!!!

And not the least of which because of beautiful young and virile Dominic Cooper (of History Boys fame) is in it and mostly half-naked throughout.

(Pic from the Just Jared blog)


HIV/AIDS: -- Movie II

This is Josh. Josh is still fucked up and fucking up. And grown his hair out. I liked it shorter. Too bad for Josh. Regardless, Josh and I are similar. I, too, sleep with hot men.


I like this little series over at I posted the first episode here, and I think I'm going to keep posting the episodes.


Searching for someone else completely, I stumbled on this hottie... Jensen Ackles. He's from some silly WB show. Who cares. He makes me feel special in my grown up place.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Approaching one year. I haven't been able to hear this song without crying for a year. Good-bye.

Did I disappoint you, or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
Cuz I saw the end before we'd begun...

I took what's mine, my eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over, but it won't stop there.
I am here for you, if you'd only care.

You touched my heart, you touched my soul,
You changed my life and all my goals,
Love is blind... my heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips, held your head,
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Good-bye my lover, good-bye my friend.
You have been the one. You have been the one for me.
Good bye my love, good-bye my friend.
You have been the one. You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer, and when I wake.
You can't break my spirit, it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me.
Remember us and all we used to be.

Seen you cry, seen you smile,
Watched you sleeping for a while...
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts, but now we're fine.
And I love you, I swear that's true.

Good-bye my lover, good bye my friend.
You have been the one, you have been the one for me.
Good-bye my lover, good bye my friend.
You have been the one, you have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine, in mind when I'm asleep.
And I will fill my soul in time when I'm kneeling at your feet.

Good-bye my lover, good bye my friend.
You have been the one, you have been the one for me.
Good-bye my lover, good bye my friend.
You have been the one, you have been the one for me.

I'm so hollow, baby. I'm so hollow.
I'm so.. I'm so... so hollow.
So hollow, baby. I'm so hollow
I'm so... I'm so... so hollow.

--James Blunt, "Good-bye My Lover"

Monday, June 23, 2008

GENERAL STUFF: A Story about Raccoons

We have a raccoon infestation in my house. It's really annoying, and local law says I can kill them. I'm terrified to check the trap this morning that toothless neighbor let us borrow in hopes of catching them and getting them out of our ceiling. This is the text messages from this morning as I explained the situation to other people:
TO TF/CF/EF: I have a raccoon problem. And now we have a HUMANE raccoon trap. I'm all for shooting the damn things.

CF: How is it humane?

ME: Doesnt kill. No pain. Just traps them.

ME: I get to take them into the wilderness and let them free.

CF: So you can set them loose on some else's house? You could lead an army of rodents!!!

ME: My neighbor wants the babies for unspecified reasons.

CF: Ummmm... creepy.

ME: Besides my army of flying monkeys may get jealous

ME: Says u can train them . . . Im convinced he just wants something to love him

CF: Hmmmm...

ME: Or dinner. Redneck delicacy

CF: Trained racoons make tastier roadkill.

ME: Yes. Training tenderizes their little muscles. Easier to chew with fewer teeth.

ME: My life is so weird.

It is. So weird.

(This said, btw, as I am cooking cinnamon rolls for kids that I think have already left with their father who spent the night from whom we got the roommie out of a bad situation with. Weird.)

I am just concerned that the raccoon trap will get either my cat or any number of the cats that roam my property. Which is why this picture on ICanHasCheezburger made me laugh this morning:

more cat pictures



Sitting on G Platform at Government Square -- the central depot for busses here in Cincinnati -- a dude walks up to me and says "Excuse me, do you know if there are any other bus stops around here?"

Really. Really.

Oh and this is a fun picture from last night before work. A storm a'coming.

All pics from my camera.

BLOGGING: New Rainbow Cincinnati Post!

New post over at Rainbow Cincinnati. Check it out... Here's a preview.
On Sunday, events dictated that it was time for me to go home -- Charleston
(SC) -- in one of those "you need to be here for a few days" family things we
all have in our life. Missing the Pride Parade, I spent my hungover afternoon
planning my trip.

Lacking a car, air travel what it is, and a train requiring a detour
through DC and 21 hours of my life, my family and I "discovered" a "new" method
of travel...

...the Greyhound.

To read the rest, head on over to my blog over there, but make sure you check out the whole site by clicking on the img below.


RIP George Carlin, 1937-2008
Died at his home in LA of heart failure.

(img courtesy of GoatStar)

You always made me laugh.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

CINCY GAY SCENE: Jeff and Jenn in Drag

It was a great show last night at Shooter's -- had a FABULOUS time, and, let me say, Jenn is my new fav lady in the world. :-) Come out more often lady.

The show raised almost $600 for the ISQCCBE's charities. Jeff and Jenn's number was HUGE, and they alone raised a lot of cash, so many thanks to them for being there. I had a cute boy on my arm most of the night, so I missed a good portion of the show, as I was otherwise occupied. But I thought I'd share what I saw!

A video of Jeff & Jenn's performance, and pictures from the rest. The video is weird. Don't know why I thought it was wise to start vertically and I kept bumping the camera, but here it is! (There was a comment about Mike Burke's "Rhoda Doorknob" -- that it was UNGODLY. I don't know, first, I think he's prettier than a lot of the Court's queens (no comment), and Jeff's hairy legs under his hose were really ungodly.)



PS Added two new blogs to the blogroll -- Jeff and Jenn Blog (maintained by Fritsch) and Jenn's Autism Events and Info Blog. They are, after all, the Courts OFFICIAL morning show. DUH.