Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BLOGGING & ELECTION 2008: McPalin Haiku

From one of my favorite new tweeters... haikutwaiku...

Do you want McCain
To choose a Supreme Court judge
Like he chose Palin?

To all my readers, I have to apologize about the over-coverage of the election. It's October. Election less than two weeks away. You'll get over it.

Some things upcoming:
-Cody is posting a video in the next few days!!!
-Driehaus debate and post-event at Sully's tomorrow!
-Cincy Bloggers election night meet-up! (Location TBD)
-Cincy Tweeters Happy Hour!

There's also a lot more LGBT movies that I've been watching and waiting to review. Those sort of things just take time to write and school is a lot of work. Also got two or three Rainbow Cincinnati posts coming. So... yea. I promise, soon, I'll be talking about other things than just the election.

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