This makes me happy and tempted to watch Big Brother. :-) His name is Jessie Godderz.
All from the Bilerico Project...

Cincinnati's most prolific LGBT-focused blog
“The Opinion LA blog had already written about the rumors from the National Enquirer,” he explained. “We knew some of the other blogs wanted to write about it or were thinking about writing about it. And at that point we were like, ‘you know, we already have our metro desk working on a story and before we just kind of write a whole bunch of stuff about the National Enquirer article, why don’t we give our metro desk a chance to see what they can find.’ That’s when they said, ‘OK Tony, why don’t you write this letter to your bloggers.”For the full interview, go here.
When I brought up the argument made by many that they were trying to bury the story, Pierce pointed out that one of the blogs had already written about it. The editors simply wanted to give the metro reporters a chance to dig into it and see if they could find any new information, he said, rather than just having the Times website create a bunch of noise...
“What I should have said is that if you find information — because these are real reporters — if you find any more information, or if there’s something that’s out there that you come across put out by a more reputable source, write it up and let’s talk about it. That’s probably one thing that I wish I could have said.”
HIM: a bois attractiveness is lessened by 25% once he hits 20, it's a gay lawThanks, ZK. I'm trying hard to feel bad about you turning 20.
ME: what happens at 21?or 25?
or... gasp... 30?
HIM: 25 it's lessened to 60%30 is 50%
once you hit 50, it's 25%
And make sure you click through the site... there's a lot there... by clicking on the image below.Matthew Shephard and Lawrence King are dead queers with good publicists.
Not to undermine their deaths, but there are hundreds of people who have paid the ultimate price for being out, and the lack of coverage of their stories gives me pause.
I mourn every time I hear about another death. It's not often, as the lack of a central source of this kind of information leaves me only with the mainstream media. Even the blogosphere is silent on many people who die.
It's times, though, when I hear about Sean Kennedy, who was run down outside of a bar by a man who later referred to Kennedy in a phone call as a "fucking faggot," that upset me the most.
Not because Mr. Kennedy is dead, but because I never heard about it.
The study, which is published in British medical journal The Lancet, found that a 20-year-old starting the anti-retroviral drug therapy could expect to live another 43 years - about two thirds of the average life expectancy of a non-affected person in the countries [US/Canada/Europe] studied.
During the study period, 2,056 patients died. However, mortality decreased from 16.3 deaths per 1,000 person-years in 1996 to 1999 to 10 deaths per 1,000 person-years in 2003 to 2005. In addition, life expectancy for someone starting treatment at age 20 increased more than 13 years, from 56.1 years in 1996 to 1999 to 69.4 years in 2003 to 2005, the researchers found.
Though Hispanics comprise about 14 percent of the U.S. population, they represented 22 percent of new HIV and AIDS diagnoses tallied by federal officials in 2006.
Officials do not have a precise tally of HIV infections nationwide, because many states have not reported figures to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 22 percent, a figure that has not been previously released, includes 33 states and Puerto Rico, but not California, where more than 37 percent of the population is Hispanic.
Well, you know what a car is, right? The word Gay here defines a sub-category of them. It is not (simply) intended as a synonym for rejected or sub-standard. It is not (simply) meant to encompass cars that are pastel-colored or sport a sibilant exhaust note. And it doesn’t (simply) characterize a vehicle’s owner. A car’s gayness—like gayness in general—is based in its inhabiting the margins of conventionality. A Gay Car is quirkier, more enigmatic, or more fiercely accessorized than the average vehicle. (It also likes to sleep with other Gay Cars.)To me, it sounds like Vanity Fair just upped its street cred with the homos, esp. the intellectual homosexuals as they totally just dipped into Butler and Foucault there... this guy totally just made an argument for applying queer theory to the automobile.
Regular weekly columns will showcase specific Gay Cars, taking seemingly ordinary vehicles and revealing their underlying queerness. We won't go after low-hanging fruit like Saturns or Subarus. Instead, we’ll focus on the obscure and the ambiguous: cars that emit the subtle semiotic signals that register on my GayCarDar. In addition to ID-ing individual Homotivators, we’ll run comparison features (“Which Car is Gayer”), perform outings (“Closet Case Cars”) or answer burning questions (“How Do Gay Guys Keep Their Cars So Clean?”). And while we will, by necessity, trade in stereotypes, we wish to remind readers that it’s all meant in fun.
It has begun, children. I have officially begun my myspace site (due to the somewhat weak success of my job-related myspace -- *sigh*
I am currently holding world on my shoulders and ignoring my coworkers. If you do not encourage this kind of behavior, then too bad. I plan to continue on as if living in a state of delusional mania -- that I'm rich, that I'm a stud, that I'm a playa, that I'm an old black lesbian, meanwhile driving myself over the cliff of financial debt and burdensome obligations.
But I keep a positive attitude -- and that's what matters right :-). Oh, and to allay the rumors: yes, I am looking at a house, and this is what it looks like:
Oh never mind. I have to attach it to a hyperlink?! Thank you very much I can find otherways to do the same damn thing. :-) But imagine this: Barry -- Homeowner. I think it is a bit scarier than Valerie -- married woman.
It's important for queers to feel very beautiful. We have to take on the world, and beauty is a shield we can use to defend ourselves. It's hard for gay men, because beauty is an ideal that feels impossible to attain when they are bombarded by an image of perfect bodies, huge muscles and at the same time, thin and young. The image is defeating us, because you think that if you're gay you have to look that good. It's why I'm always into bears, because they accept themselves and get more dick than anyone. They practice self-acceptance.
Dear Gay Sexpert,Interesting, interesting, interesting.
I am a recovering meth user. My rehab experience was really helpful, but very anti-sex. To be honest, the best sex I ever had was on crystal meth. Sobering up has trashed my sexual desire and I am fearful that sex will never be the same.
Frustrated and Fearful
I've been reading the different studies focusing on sexual shame and crystal meth -- which, by the way, are few. In fact, Dr. David Wohlsifer states in his study on the subject, "Little is mentioned about sexual issues beyond identifying crystal users as suffering from a sexual addiction and being sexually compulsive. The literature [research] is devoid of suggestions or efforts aimed at helping develop healthy sexual beliefs and a meaningful and healthy sex life as well as address the issues of sexual trauma that may have occurred during crystal use."...
Turning again to Dr. Wohlsifer's study, he found that his gay subjects had many shame-based beliefs about their sexuality prior to their initial use of crystal and that the use of the drug eradicated those same feelings of shame. It created for the user a kind of "alternate sexual reality," one where a user felt sexy, horny, confident, adventurous, uninhibited and affectionate with a sense of belonging and camaraderie with the other men he had sex with. With that kind of shame-free sexual euphoria (and the addictive chemical begging for more), of course he would feel compelled to take meth over and over again...
I know sex is not the only reason people use crystal, but re-shaming a recovering user by telling him "Just say no to sex" could certainly set the stage for a relapse. "To respond to the community health problems that Crystal use presents, it is essential to understand that Crystal use is a mechanism that eradicates sexual shame." So let's provide ways for recovering users (and everyone, quite frankly) to stimulate a positive sexuality -- one without shame. My practice focuses on this need by providing information, workshops, and consultations specifically for those wanting to decrease their sexual shame.
While same-sex marriage is a hot-button issue and frequently put on the ballot by Republican-leaning groups as a way of increasing turnout of like-minded people, practically every state has already had a referendum on this already so there is no gold left to mine here. But a new issue is arising: same-sex divorce. Anyone who never considered this possibility is very naive. Only half of all opposite-sex couples manage to stay together. Why should the odds be better for same-sex couples? While a few states and countries allow (same-sex) couples to come in, get married, and scoot out, few of them allow quickie divorces by out-of-state couples. Will we soon see ballot initiatives banning same-sex divorce? The trouble is that people who rally around "family values" don't like either same-sex marriage or divorce. Is it better for a same-sex couple to stay married (bad) or get divorced (bad)? Maybe the best way to look at this issue is as a business opportunity for some enterprising state.
"They've given us no choice but to be married forever," said Ormiston. "Their worst nightmare."...Very very strange rhetoric going on around this one. It harkens back to a straight supporter once telling me: Of course I think you guys have the right to be married... you have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.
Because federal law defines marriage as being between a man and a woman, the federal government doesn't extend many standard divorce benefits to same-sex couples. As a result, say lawyers familiar with the issues, even in states where gay couples are allowed to divorce, they face financial consequences that heterosexual couples don't. Among them:
* If a judge orders a heterosexual couple to divide a pension during a divorce, federal law allows the pension to be divided without triggering early-withdrawal penalties. Divorcing gay couples must pay the penalties.
* Court-ordered alimony payments can be deducted from federal income taxes in straight divorces, but not in same-sex divorces.
* In gay divorces, when a judge orders one party to give money or other assets to a spouse, those assets may be subject to gift or income taxes.
* When real property is transferred from joint ownership to one gay spouse by a court order, capital-gains taxes are often triggered.
Opponents of same-sex marriage say the issues were to be expected.
"These problems illustrate why it is a bad idea to redefine marriage in California in a way that is at odds with the rest of the country," said Andrew Pugno, legal advisor to, a coalition of churches, organizations and individuals supporting the California Marriage Protection Act on the November ballot.
Why am i so offended by this rocky horror remake? Its like someone shot my dog- if it was a trannyHA!
Broomfield, Colorado arrived from on " GAY STUFF: Gay Bathhouses Attacked" by searching for how to act in a gay bathhouse.Oh, and this popped up 4 times in the last four hours. Apparently I'm a walking (writing?) advertisement for a free ringtone from Hamlet 2.
Arlington, Massachusetts arrived from on " POP CULTURE: Rock me, sexy Jesus" by searching for free rock me sexy jesus ringtone.That'll be $0.99 please, plus standard text messaging fees.
Stephen Andrew Moller pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter on June 11 in connection with the death of Sean Kennedy last year. The 20-year-old defendant, a native of Taylors, S.C., will serve just three years for the slaying.
Moller attacked Kennedy outside the bar formerly named Brews on May 16, 2007. He punched Kennedy in the face and knocked him to the ground. The victim, 20 years old at the time, fell backward and hit his head on the curb, sustaining a fatal brain injury.
(from Q-notes News -- now blogrolled)
Moller's lawyers say that there is no evidence to prove that the killer knew Kennedy was gay (and, thus, not a hate crime), despite these to disturbing quotes...
By Moller's get-away driver:
“You know that dude is gay. What are you going to do if you have AIDS now?”
“Hey, I was just wondering how your boyfriend’s feeling right about now [laughter]. The fucking faggot … Yeah boy, your boy is knocked out, man. The motherfucker. Tell him he owes me $500 for breaking my goddamn hand on his teeth, that fucking bitch.”
Please forward to any TALENTED and RELIABLE people you know ;-)She says to plese forward on if you know of anyone who might be interested, and especially please post to your blog if possible!
NSC seeks Stage Managers, Designers, and Technicians for 2008-2009 NewStage in the City Season
New Stage Collective, a professional and award-winning theatre company (6 Cincinnati Enquirer Acclaim Awards and 18 CityBeat Cincinnati Entertainment Awards for 2007-2008 Season) located on 12th and Main St. in the heart of Over-the-Rhine's Entertainment Quarter seeks Stage Managers, Assistant Stage Managers, Assistant Directors, Dramaturgs,Props Masters, Lighting Designers, Sound Designers, Costume Designers, Sound Board Operators, Technical Assistants, and Backstage Crew for it's 2008-2009 New Stage in the City Season! Opportunities available on all productions, so please visit out website at for more information about our company and our upcoming season. NSC is heading into it's 7th season of producing
innovative and passionate theatre in Cincinnati and we'd love to have you join us!
Please send a resume to Executive Director Erica McKeown at or if needed you can contact her at 513.621.3700 ex. 0. Please include a cover letter (or a paragraph in the body of your email) letting her know what areas you are interested in and what shows you are available for in NSC's 2008-2009 Season.
Mr. Obama's great political ingenuity was very simple: to trade moral leverage for gratitude. Give up moral leverage over whites, refuse to shame them with America's racist past, and the gratitude they show you will constitute a new form of black power. They will love you for the faith you show in them.
So it is not hard to see why Mr. Jackson might have experienced Mr. Obama's emergence as something of a stiletto in the heart. Mr. Obama is a white "race card" -- moral leverage that whites can use against the moral leverage black leaders have wielded against them for decades. He is the nullification of Jesse Jackson -- the anti-Jackson...
But here lies his essential contradiction: His campaign is more cultural than political. He sells himself more as a cultural breakthrough than as a candidate for office. To be a projection screen for the cultural aspirations of both blacks and whites one must be an invisible man politically. Real world politics, in their mundanity, interrupt cultural projections. And so Mr. Obama's political invisibility -- a charm that can only derive from a lack of deep political convictions -- may well serve his cultural appeal, but it also makes him something of a political mess.
Already he has flip-flopped on campaign financing, wire-tapping, gun control, faith-based initiatives, and the terms of withdrawal from Iraq. Those enamored of his cultural potential may say these reversals are an indication of thoughtfulness, or even open-mindedness. But could it be that this is a man who trusted so much in his cultural appeal that the struggles of principle and conscience never seemed quite real to him? His flip-flops belie an almost existential callowness toward principle, as if the very idea of permanent truth is passé, a form of bad taste.
In Yugoslavia, for example, the rate of inflation was five quadrillion per cent between October 1993 and January 1994. The government was forced to issue a 500 billion dinar note in 1993.
In Germany after World War I, prices were doubling about every two days and workers were paid daily or more often with bundles of cash. The highest value banknote issued by the Reichsbank had a face value of 100 trillion marks.
Click here for the rest."I just don't watch studio porn anymore," says my most porn-savvy friend, effectively crushing my personal goal to one day be gold-chain ladened adult film producer (it's better than my current status as a bare chested porn connoisseur). "It's just not real."
We, of course, were discussing the most popular unspoken gay site in the world -- Xtube. Though not exclusively gay, I've found knowledge of its existence in heterosexuals lacking -- much to their own dismay as I open their eyes to the glory of free, seemingly endless, amateur porn. The joy is mine, as the opportunity to arouse is a great pleasure. In the gay world, Xtube has been whispered from homo to homo and has taken on a huge following. I was never so surprised as when on very late night, I was with friends "having a good time," and I was asked about my Xtube favorites. As if, of course, I had them.
And, really, there's nothing better than cruising the straight section to remind myself that women don't know how to suck cock.
Cincinnati Blog
Make Cincinnati Weird
Cincinnati Locovore (yea, Valeree!!!!)
'Nati Life
Somewhere Over the Rhine
Estelle Getty, the diminutive actress who spent 40 years struggling for success before landing a role of a lifetime in 1985 as the sarcastic octogenarian Sophia on TV's "The Golden Girls," has died. She was 84.I'm not much of a Golden Girls fan, but she was FABULOUS.Getty, who suffered from advanced dementia, died at about 5:30 a.m. Tuesday at her Hollywood Boulevard home, said her son, Carl Gettleman of Santa Monica.
"She was loved throughout the world in six continents, and if they loved sitcoms in Antarctica she would have been loved on seven continents," her son said. "She was one of the most talented comedic actresses who ever lived."
It is unquestionable that GOP President George W. Bush has one more to fight AIDS than any president in history, including Democrat Bill Clinton. The people pushing Bush to fight the epidemic at home and abroad are overwhelmingly conservative Christians - the same people we keep hearing gay leaders tar as narrow-minded and bigoted.
Well, those bigots deserve far more credit for relieving suffering from HIV in this decade than gay men and lesbians did in the previous two decades combined...
For years, I've been asked, "How can you be a gay Republican?" In 2008, I can answer, "Because on one of the gay community's top priorities, Republicans outshine Democrats hands down."*
It’s been almost 12 years since I became infected with HIV, and I haven’t died yet. I haven’t even had the decency to get sick. I am walking, talking advertisement for why HIV seems not such a big deal to the younger generation—and indeed, many in my own age bracket. I know this is a terrible thing, and I promise in the uture to do better. As gay activist Michelangelo Signorile recently told The New York Times, “If everyone in your group is beautiful, taking steroids, barebacking, and HIV-positive, having the virus doesn’t seem like such a bad thing.”
I’m sorry. At the tender age of 41—a year longer than I once thought I would live—I have never felt better. HIV transformed my life, made me a better and braver writer, prompted me to write the first big book pushing marriage rights, got me to take better care of my health, improved my sex life, and deepened my spirituality.
Awww... baby's first STD.
I have a better relationship with the clinic than I do with most of the men in my life.
Thanks to my dad for the email on this one!!!
Follow up to one of the bits from this blog about the "South Carolina is SO gay" ad that was pulled by the state tourism board... (Original story here at MSNBC)
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A gay pride organization said Thursday it plans to raise $5,000 to pay for an advertising campaign that proclaimed "South Carolina is so gay" after the state refused to pick up the tab.
SC Pride Movement president Ryan Wilson said his group wants to restore the state's good name after the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department refused to pay. The state was one of a half-dozen highlighted in the London-based ad campaign aimed at gay travelers.Joel Sawyer, spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford, said tax dollars should not be used for ads "that promote any group with a particular social or political agenda."
From the media release from SC Pride, and their official statement:
"Someone needs to rise above and do the right thing, and the GLBT community of
South Carolina should be the ones to do it, and the SC Pride Movement is going
to take the lead." Wilson continues, "South Carolina may not be "so gay"
currently but we are going to show the world that we can be and we WILL BE so
gay, and gay friendly some day!"
Make sure you donate to them to support the money they are putting out to have this ad published!!!!
(What's really funny is that you'll notice that the City of Columbia -- the capital of SC -- is a sponsor of SCPride 2008)
The Larry King shooting became the most prominent gay-bias crime since the murder of Matthew Shepard 10 years ago. But despite all the attention and outrage, the reason Larry died isn't as clear-cut as many people think. California's Supreme Court has just legalized gay marriage. There are gay characters on popular TV shows such as "Gossip Girl" and "Ugly Betty," and no one seems to notice. Kids like Larry are so comfortable with the concept of being openly gay that they are coming out younger and younger. One study found that the average age when kids self-identify as gay has tumbled to 13.4; their parents usually find out a year later.
What you might call "the shrinking closet" is arguably a major factor in Larry's death. Even as homosexuality has become more accepted, the prospect of being openly gay in middle school raises a troubling set of issues. Kids may want to express who they are, but they are playing grown-up without fully knowing what that means. At the same time, teachers and parents are often uncomfortable dealing with sexual issues in children so young. Schools are caught in between. How do you protect legitimate, personal expression while preventing inappropriate, sometimes harmful, behavior? Larry King was, admittedly, a problematical test case: he was a troubled child who flaunted his sexuality and wielded it like a weapon—it was often his first line of defense. But his story sheds light on the difficulty of defining the limits of tolerance. As E. O. Green found, finding that balance presents an enormous challenge...
" 'One day, they'll regret it. One day, I'll be famous'."
Most Americans, those in the center and the suburbs and rural parts of this nation, don’t make their minds up until after the conventions, the debates and the bulk of the coverage is over. They decide in the final weeks and days and they do it with a gut feeling of whom they “like” more or which candidate shares their values or their vision for that time and place.
So in short not one bit of the polling matters. All we know is that the president is unpopular, the World is moving rapidly and everything we think we know will change.
San Antonio, Texas arrived from on " GAY STUFF: Mamma Mia, the Movie!" by searching for is mamma mia a gay movie.
Markham, Ontario arrived from
on " GAY STUFF: Queer Blog Review" by searching for best gay blogs.
Just a quick update:
1) Do What's Right, Ohio! ( has finally gotten off it's ass and just started a group here on Facebook... well, not "just started," but whatev's. It's slightly larger than ours and here it is:
2) Per that same organization, it appears that, since the House and Senate are on recess, the bill will flounder until the houses reconvene in November. At least, that's what I gather from their websites.
So, make sure you're emailing and calling! I'm about to put in a new email, because I never heard back from either Driehaus or Kearney, and I'll post my email along with their response when I get it!
Thanks to everyone!!!
"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds."
"Ohio will be the epicenter of our nonpartisan efforts to elect a pro-civil rights Congress [that year], and we look forward to visiting the city again," said NAACP Board Directors Chairman Julian Bond.For more information, be sure to check out our awesome local NAACP chapter
Laketa Cole (inc.)
Jeff Berding (inc.)
Greg Harris (inc.)
Cecil Thomas (inc.)
Wendell Young
Laure Quinlivan
Nicholas Hollan
Tony Fischer
Bernadette Watson
Chris Monzel (inc.)
Leslie Ghiz (inc.)
Amy Murray
Charlie Winburn
George Zamary
Chris Bortz (inc.)
Roxanne Qualls (inc.)
Kevin Flynn