Monday, June 1, 2009

How Activism is DONE

And this is how activism is done. Check out Jamie Royce's experience at Tabby's after the assault of a gay man over at Stuff Queer People Need to Know. She had not realized the event was canceled due to particularly nasty weather until she arrived at the bar and had, instead, the opportunity to speak to quite a few people there about what had happened:
The family is very grateful for the community’s support and response to the attack. The victim’s mother gave out hugs and spoke very highly of us queers. (We really are making a difference, so keep up the good work.)

The owner of Tabby’s explained to us that this attack does not reflect his establishment and apologized to the victim’s mother; he was wearing white in solidarity with the planned sit-in. Signs like this one were posted throughout the bar.
Hell to the yea, Jamie! Thank you so much for going out there in the middle of the tornadic weather on Saturday night to show your solidarity! The follow-up "sit-in" is still on, and the organizers are fiercely advertising the event on Facebook. I think, though, the focus has significantly changed... from one of "we are so angry" to "let us stand with everyone -- including the bar -- in solidarity against hate." In other words, let's go party with our supporters who seem to be equally as appalled by the assault as we are. For my part, I want to hug mom and shake the owner's hand.

Congratulations, Tabby's, you done good. Congratulations, local activists, you did right.

The follow-up will still occur this Tuesday at 9pm at Tabby's American Grill

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