In short: it's a documentary about being gay and political in Washington, DC. There has been a little hype, but BlogActive decided to shake things up today...
...reporting that the movie will out Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. Some rumors have flown that we'll be seeing quite a few prominent anti-gay folks outed with this documentary, but surely, if they do out Crist, then that will be the hallmark of the show.
I just have two questions:
- Is it time, then, to reapproach the ethics of outing an elected official? I once read somewhere that outing is only ethical under a few circumstances, in cases like anti-gay legislators, moderate legislators that support anti-gay legislations, and, in some cases, even pro-gay legislators (but I forget the circumstances). Of local note, one of the important points is that it is considered unethical to out a politician who is in the closet but supports LGBT issues.
- Is this just the creation of buzz? Are they trying to create interest in the movie, all of a sudden? I'm just asking. It would be freakin' awesome if it were real, especially since Gov. Crist took a nosedive into a marriage to seem more friendly as a VP ticket in 2008. In my world, we call those women "beards." My fear is that it's just further speculation and won't have anything definitive, if anything at all.
Regardless, I'll be interested in seeing the movie.
If you look further at BlogActive... he even has a list of in the closet reps/etc. on the left side of the page.
When I get home, I'll look up the really excellent and thoughtful position on outing put together by AfterElton. To date, it's the best answer I've seen on the ethics of outing.
Thank you darling. I knew someone else had read that article, but I could never find it again.
Part 1: Dennis's RulesPart 2: AfterElton's Official editorial policy on Outing
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