What inspired me to start this blog was a post on another local person's blog asking Columbus people to write more blogs about, well, anything Columbus-related. I thought it would be a good idea to start one relating to bisexuality, both in Columbus and in general. There is a very large, well-organized gay community here, but there's not a bisexual community; there's no place for bisexuals specifically to meet, chat, seek support or rally around bisexual causes - other than, of course, larger umbrella groups that include us in the increasingly long acronym of queerness. Bisexuals have long been a part of activist movements fighting oppression and we will continue to be. We also see a need, however, for setting aside a specific time and space for ourselves. Other cities have such groups. We want that space and that support. The people I have talked to are hungry for it.
Check out Cowtown Bisexual, by the Bi Avenger!!!
To all the fabulous and wonderful Ohio queer bloggers of the world -- this is your chance. Are you currently blogrolled? Do you WANT to be? Do you want a shout out? Have you already blogrolled QueerCincinnati.com and wondered why the hell that jerk hasn't blogrolled you yet? Let's work on it! Email me -- queercincinnati@gmail.com -- or leave a comment on this email and you can join the motley crew known as the QueerOhio Bloggers. You'll note the side bar has changed to reflect the state-wide focus I'm developing here.
1 comment:
awesome!! thanks! for the shoutout :)
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