If you haven't heard about Penny's "private" party at Adonis now, clearly you have not been paying attention. Bitch is working her heels down making sure you join her and all five hundred of her closest friends at Annie's (right up the street from Adonis) this Friday at 10:00pm. It's an open bar from 10p-11p, so it is worth it to get their early. You just have to print off this flyer to get in and par-tay! Check out the event invite.
Meet Milk, Cincinnati's queer and queer-friendly summer underground party scene, debuting at Below Zero on May 27th. I had the chance to speak to the organizer this weekend at the Guerrilla Queer Bar party at Little Bit party, and, aside from being gorgeous, he's a smart guy who's dedicated to good music and great dancing. Word is that he's got some pretty cool shit lined up for all of us to party to; it's all about music, kids. He played a sampling, and it sounds like it will totally be worth it Add Milk: Summer Underground.
PrideLove -- Cincinnati's experiment with queer *gasp* dating -- is coming back, this time to BronZ. Fabulous Della R. (who says that she and I will be BFF's, which I'm totally down with), who owns the business, has a great event lined up: Speeddating! Take five minutes to go on quick dates with men you have never met before, leave perhaps with a husband! Add in some fantastic drink specials, and it sounds like it will be yet another successful event. Check out their event invite for May 30th from 6pm-9pm.
The HRC will be hosting its monthly First Friday event, going out to bars that you normally would not see them out.. making new friends and new connections. Next month, the event takes place at Crazy Fox Saloon in Newport at 8pm. Check out the event invite.
Below Zero Lounge will be hosting the Ohio LGBT Democratic Caucus, kicking off Pride on June 12th at 5pm. Cover is $35 and gets you membership into the caucus. Check out the event invite.
I am so excited to mention this event, as it's being hosted by our friends at the Kentucky Equality Federation and Marriage Equality Kentucky. Tickets are a little expensive -- $50-$150 -- but a portion of that goes to our local GLSEN, and the majority of it goes for fighting for marriage equality in the Bluegrass State. Pop Singer Briant Kent and Gay Comedian (comedienne?) Ryan Hill will be performing. Advance purchase is necessary for attendance, and I hear that they are selling like hot cakes! Check out the event, or the Facebook event, for June 20th at 8pm at Adonis, followed by an after party at Yadda Club.
Please note that Equality Ohio is looking for Pride Volunteers for the entire state, and Squealing with Pride here in Cincinnati is also looking for event volunteers! Pride is next month, kids, can you believe it????
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