Obviously, the unpaid, volunteer-only writers of QueerCincinnati.com cannot attend all of them (though we'll do our damnedest to cover Cincinnati's Pride as best as we can). That's why WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!
Are you going to a Pride outside of Cincinnati this year, even as close as Dayton or Columbus? We want your pictures, your thoughts, your stories... in short, we're asking you to guest blog next month on what it was like at Prides across the Midwest and across the country! I know at least one person going to New York City's Pride this summer -- which should be huge, considering it's the 40th anniversary of Stonewall. Or, do you live in another part of the country/world and want to report back on how awesome your new hometown pride is? We want to hear that too!!!!
If you are going elsewhere, shoot us an email (queercincinnati@gmail.com) or leave a comment with your email address... we'd love for you to help us out!
I'll be goin' to Indianapolis! Got it covered. -Jason
I'm gonna be one proud 'mo the month of June. Besides Cincy I have plans for Columbus and Chicago. I'll be happy to help you out.
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