Monday, April 13, 2009

Butler County Adoption Law -- ILLEGAL

Thanks to Rusty (@thebigvb) via the CinciEnquirer Twitter (@Cincienquirer) for the heads up that the aforementioned Butler County law giving preference in adoptions to married straight couples is illegal.

From the story:
A controversial adoption policy in Butler County that gives preference to married couples violates state rules, according to a review done by the county prosecutor’s office.

Local children service agencies do not have the authority to alter the preference outlined unless the law is changed or a rule change is adopted by the director of the state agency that oversees adoption placements, according to the review.
Honestly? I don't understand the legal stuff in the story, all I know is that it's a good thing (praise be to Martha!).

The rule, btw, was suspended in March pending legal review.

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