Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I hate you, Sarah Palin...

...you illiterate, misguided, uniformed buffoon. 

Yea, SarahPAC has begun.

In her favor, there are absolutely not unattractive pictures of her on teh interweb except for that one. And that's not that bad.

Oh, and is that the absolute best name you could come up with? SarahPAC? Seriously?


Anonymous said...

Not only are they trying to co-op Hillary's hard work in the world of Feminism, they're doing the same with the name of this PAC (HillPac).

Anonymous said...

Of all of the women in the entire world to be the first major party vice presidential nominee, why did they pick her? She does nothing for women, in fact she sets them back. She has more tenacity than anyone at being an oblivious dumbass. But at least she is consistent.

Montgomery Maxton said...

She reminds me of Filth after you've tried to bathe it clean.

Jere Keys said...

Jamie - Geraldine Ferraro was the first female vice presidential candidate representing a major American political party. Palin was just the first Republican, which makes her selection much less surprising.

Wonder Man said...

I can't believe this heifer